Snow Day



We woke up to snow. Ok, not a ton, but enough to be seasonal and it was still falling, which is so peaceful and lovely. My three year old and I made the most of it… for 25 minutes, anyway, until the mittens got soaked and fingers got cold. Then it was time to find an inside project. We cut snow flakes and the only thing that is more fun than cutting up paper is gluing it to something!

I entertained myself by “doodling” with the scraps that accumulated. There is something very freeing about having no plan and no thoughts of anyone seeing it. Art is supposed to be about the process, but most of the time I forget this while trying to achieve a particular outcome. I had a great time just gluing stuff down. Cheap therapy.


Sticks and Stones



Can break your bones…

This is the skull I carved tonight to open the “Bones” chapter of the “vitality guide” I’m working on called “Organ-ize Your Health.” Bones are fun because they’re creepy and beautiful at the same time. There’s something mesmerizing and impossible about the fact that we are all walking around with skeletons inside of us. Everyone hides something a little scary.

Affairs of the Heart



I am approaching my Vitality Guide, if you will, by organ/system. Even though I will ultimately lead with the liver I started playing with the heart because I already had a heart stamp. And who can resist the symbolism of leading with your heart, etc. This is a draft for the chapter head. What will follow will be some detailed information for each of the foods and recipes.

As always I struggle between not-enough-going on and making it too busy. Given that I also want to work in some collage I have no idea where I will land aesthetically, but tonight was a good start just to break the initial barrier between thought and action.


Organ-ize Your Health!



I’ve long been interested in nutrition for healing and health and am continually frustrated with how to best approach and present information so people’s eyes don’t glaze over. A few years ago I thought of breaking it down by organ and systems, with a week devoted to each. In this way people would not be overwhelmed by it and could hopefully integrate it in a more meaningful way into their lives. “Organ-ize Your Health!”

(O  bviously I have to print the rest of the word closer to the “O”, but you get the idea.)